Will The Real Fiduciary Please Step Forward?

We’ve got some great news – the Department of Labor is finally requiring all financial advisors to adhere to the same level of transparency and fairness that we have with you. In April of 2017, the new DOL Fiduciary Rule is going into effect.

You may wonder what it means for your IRAs and 401(k) accounts. Here is what you need to do: nothing. At least that’s true for the accounts we service for you. If you have retirement accounts elsewhere, it might be a good time to discuss potential impact with us.

The new rule requires some financial services professionals to change their compensation structure to align with client interests. We already adhere to this high standard. You may hear advisors talking about a “new higher standard for retirement accounts.” These firms may be new to the idea of putting you first.

We’ve always put you first and we always will. That’s #1 in our 13 Guiding Beliefs. If you have any questions about the your retirement accounts don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to talk about your situation as always.

While the Fiduciary Rule has the objective of protecting consumers and improving practices of the financial industry, I fear the legislation will create additional confusion for investors. Here’s what you might not know about the DOL Fiduciary Rule:

1) It only applies to retirement accounts. The DOL does not have jurisdiction over taxable accounts. That falls to the SEC, FINRA, state securities regulators, state insurance regulators, and banking regulators like the FDIC. There is no one regulator that watches over all investing, finance, and insurance activities. Broker/Dealers will not be required to act as Fiduciaries for your taxable brokerage accounts under the rule. If you have multiple accounts, the rule may apply to some of your accounts and not others.

2) In my opinion, being a Fiduciary means that I should find the best possible solution for my clients, with an objective, independent eye. Under the new rule, a captive insurance agent (one who represents a single company), is also required and presumed to be a Fiduciary. But will that agent recommend another company if it offers a superior product? Will an agent recommend a product with a lower commission, if it might be a better solution? It seems like the potential for a conflict of interest has not changed, in spite of the new label of “Fiduciary”.

3) Merrill Lynch announced this week that their advisors must refer at least two clients a year to other units of Bank of America or have their pay cut by 1%. (Read the Marketwatch article here.) This is not illegal under the Fiduciary Rule, because it is disclosed. What if other banks offer better mortgages, CDs, or other products? That doesn’t sound like putting clients’ needs first to me. Wells Fargo Advisors have a similar program, as I’m sure many big firms do. We do not accept compensation for referrals and never have.

4) As a result of the cost of implementing the new Fiduciary Rule, many firms are dropping small clients and implementing higher account minimums. According to the Investment Company Institute, the DOL Rule is already depriving investors of financial advice.

5) The DOL does not directly enforce this legislation. While the SEC and states have thousands of auditors and field agents who visit, inspect, and enforce securities law, the DOL does not have a team tasked with ensuring Fiduciary compliance. Rather, the Rule will rely on investors to file class action lawsuits. If an advisor violates the Fiduciary Rule, forget getting assistance or relief from the DOL – you need to hire an attorney.

This process seems to me to be a poor way to protect consumers, and very expensive, as attorneys will take a significant portion of any award in court. For firms, we face the potential for frivolous lawsuits, an expense which will have to be passed on to consumers.

I am all in favor of consumer protection. But the new Fiduciary Rule will make it harder for investors to really tell who is truly acting in their best interest.

If you have an IRA in a commission-based account, you can expect your advisor to be moving your account to a fee-based account this year. Instead of having one account which is under a Fiduciary standard, I’d suggest you consider working with a holistic financial planner who will look at your entire financial picture when making recommendations in your best interest.

Money is Time

Benjamin Franklin is credited with the phrase “time is money”, an exhortation to not delay for tomorrow what work you can do today. While this sense of urgency continues to be a universal part of modern life, I think investors can better understand their financial priorities with the reverse thought, Money is Time.

Time is not a limitless resource. We have to choose how we spend our hours. And whether you are a billionaire mogul, a retiree, or a parent working two jobs, we all have the same 24 hours in each day. To me, the goal of money is not the acquisition of material objects, but to afford the privilege of spending my time in the way that I enjoy most. Money can give us the freedom to do what we want, when we want.

Money can enable us to retire from a job, if we no longer enjoy it. Money can allow us to pursue our interests rather than working solely for the money. Work-life balance requires money. Having the courage to turn down work you don’t need or don’t enjoy is only possible when you do not have worries about running out of money.

Money allows us to experience new things, to see the world, and expand our horizons. Money gives us the ability to spend our time where we want, doing what we want. I enjoy variety, and money provides the flexibility to get out of a routine and try other things.

Money can free us from the mundane. Why spend four hours a week cleaning your home if you can afford to hire someone else to do it? Then we can use those hours for something we might enjoy, something more permanent, meaningful, or memorable.

What is the number one reason people don’t go to the gym and take better care of themselves? Not enough time. And unfortunately, poor health can shave years or decades off your life. Having enough money allows you to reset your priorities.

We should stop thinking of money in terms of what it can purchase, and instead recognize that financial independence can give us the one thing that no one can buy: more time. This doesn’t have to be for leisure or laziness. Time could be spent being with those you love, or feeling the satisfaction of volunteering to make your community a better place.

Someone who hoards their money, refusing to spend a penny, is ultimately squandering their time. To allow years to pass without doing what you love, is perhaps the greatest tragedy. You can never get those years back. Many people are mature enough to realize that material possessions won’t bring happiness. But if we think of money in terms of how it can impact your time, the idea of saving and investing may become more appealing and relevant. Could you retire at 62 instead of 65 and give yourself three additional years while you are still young and healthy?

My passion for helping families lead The Good Life, is ultimately about giving you as much time back as possible. That’s why saving early in your career is so important. It is an investment in your future freedom. Now, if you enjoy your work, congratulations, that is a tremendous blessing. But retirement planning is for everyone – just because you love your work, doesn’t mean you don’t need a plan.

I know that for many people, there is not a desire to become a millionaire or to be wealthy. But we all have dreams that require time. Think about how your nest egg could allow you to achieve the life of your dreams. That may give you the real reason to save and invest – not for guilt or fear or greed. Investing is to buy time, experiences, and living. Money is time.

The Price of Financial Advice

You are more likely to achieve your financial goals with my help than without it. Together, we can craft a financial plan that is more than just an investment strategy, but a comprehensive road map to accomplish your goals and avoid the hidden pitfalls which could derail your success. I’ll be there along the way to keep us on course and respond to changing markets, regulations, and needs.

That’s my value proposition. Whether your goals are retirement, college, or making your money work for you, I’ve helped people achieve goals just like yours for more than a decade. Unfortunately, there is often some reluctance to hire a financial advisor, even one who is a Certified Financial Planner professional. Recently, the scandal at Wells Fargo reminded us that that some financial firms still allow short-term profits to take priority over ethical behavior or customer needs.

Years ago, I left the broker-dealer world that was paid by commission to become a fee-based financial planner. I am not a salesman, so why would I want to be paid on a transactional basis? It is a conflict of interests and investors know this. That’s why trust is so low for the financial industry and why many people are still reluctant to seek help even when they need it.

When a survey by Cerulli Associates asked about the most difficult part of working with financial advisors, the top concerns included:

  • Not sure if the advisors are recommending the best products
  • I am not sure if I can trust advisors
  • Costs are not transparent and I don’t know how much I pay advisors
  • I don’t feel like a top priority client for advisors

Boy, that is sad. Unfortunately, these thoughts are probably familiar and you may have had the exact same concerns. Luckily, you can address most of these issues by changing from a commissioned broker to a fee-based fiduciary. As a fiduciary, my legal obligation is to place client interests ahead of my own. In a 2014 survey by State Street Global Advisors, they found the top reasons why investors prefer fees versus commissions:

  • 36%: I know what I am going to be paying upfront
  • 27%: My advisor is invested in my success
  • 20%: I trust that my advisor is not selecting costlier investment products just to drive up commissions
  • 10%: An actively traded account could result in high commissions, costing more than fees
  • 7%: I can deduct investment advisor fees on my taxes

Which would you prefer?
A) I’m not sure how my advisor gets paid or if I can trust him. Am I in the best products or the ones with the highest commissions?
Or B) I know exactly how and how much my advisor is paid. My advisor is paid by me for providing advice over time not a commission for a sale. My advisor has my best interests in mind.

At Good Life Wealth Management, our approach is simple and transparent. We offer two programs:

1) Premier Wealth Management. For investors seeking holistic financial planning and wealth management. Our fee is 1% of assets under management ($250,000 minimum). Most common needs include retirement income planning, portfolio management, college savings, tax and estate planning, and risk management.

2) Wealth Builder Program. For newer investors seeking to build a personally-tailored financial foundation. The fee is $200/month (under $250,000). Most common needs are IRAs, employee benefits, net worth analysis, student loan advice, savings strategies and term life insurance.

The fee conversation often takes center stage for the decision about choosing a financial advisor. But it shouldn’t. We ought to be focusing on what we can do for you and about how working together will put you in a position to be more likely to achieve your goals. Investors work with me because they want peace of mind knowing that I have their back. My clients are very intelligent and could undoubtedly “do it themselves”. But that is not what most successful investors do. Why not?

  • They have better uses of their time. They would rather spend their time on work, family, or collecting cat figurines (or insert your actual hobby).
  • They recognize that they “don’t know what they don’t know”. Most people don’t have the interest in studying finance in their spare time, but even if they did, there remains the risk of missing information and not keeping up with new developments.
  • Leaders delegate to experts. You can’t be an expert at everything. You should have a good CPA, Attorney, and Financial Planner who know you so well that they can anticipate your needs.
  • It’s tough to be objective about money. For couples, conversations about money are often, how shall we say, counterproductive? An advisor brings an outside perspective, expertise, and insight to create a plan that works for both of you.

I remember the first day of ECON 101 at Oberlin – Professor Zinser started the class by writing this on the board: TINSTAAFL. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you’re looking for financial help, it’s fair to ask what it will cost. That’s because if someone is offering you a free lunch, you know that it may ultimately be a very, very expensive lunch. Know what you are paying your financial advisor. Ask.

If you’re looking for comprehensive planning, or just help with a couple of questions, give me a call. Yes, there is a price for financial advice. I aim to make that cost completely transparent, so you can have the confidence to move forward and get to more important questions about how we can achieve your financial goals together.

23 Ways to Save Money

A penny saved is a penny earned. I write often about how much you might need to invest for retirement, college, and other financial goals. While I can help with the financial planning strategies and investment advice, it’s up to each client to save the cash required to meet these goals. And this crucial first step is often easier said than done!

There is some amount that each family is comfortable saving. Unfortunately, for many of us, the amount we need to save is often much larger than the amount we’d like to save. Here are 23 ways to save money, hopefully with little or no sacrifice on your behalf.

1. If you pay off your credit card monthly, use a cash back rewards card rather than a debit card, cash, or check. I put everything I can on the credit card – and have gotten back $907 so far this year.

2. Drop your landline and use your cell phone as your one and only phone. You still have a landline?

3. Drop cable or satellite for Netflix or another streaming service. We probably watch too much TV as a society, myself included. Read a book instead.

4. Buy used items online, from Craigslist, or at local sales.

5. Sell your unneeded items on Craigslist. Cash is better than a tax deduction of the same amount.

6. Wait to buy items on sale. Never pay full price. There are a number of apps that scan barcodes and will show you reviews and prices of that item.

7. Get a programmable thermostat. For every degree you adjust the thermostat, you may see a 3% change in your utility bill.

8. Replace light bulbs with LEDs. Prices have come down quite a bit in the last three years. They use a fraction of the electricity and will last for years. I’m a fan of the Cree floodlights.

9. DIY Home Energy Audit. US Department of Energy instructions here.

10. Compare your Texas electric rates at PowertoChoose.org. These tend to creep up after your initial guarantee period is over.

11. Shop your home and auto insurance every three years.

12. Save money on pets: 5 Ways to Save Money When Adopting a Pet.

13. Volunteer. Looking for something fun and interesting where you can make the world a better place? Find an organization doing great work and volunteer! You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have an interesting and satisfying weekend.

14. Prepare meals at home or eat at home. If you are going to eat at a restaurant, lunch is usually much less expensive than dinner.

15. Shop at Target? Get the Red Card for 5% off and free shipping. Sign up for the Cartwheel app for additional discounts.

16. Shop at Walmart? Download the Savings Catcher app. You scan your Walmart receipt and if they find a lower price elsewhere, they refund the difference to you.

17. The car advice I always give, the short version: Keep your current car for as long as you can. When you must buy your next vehicle, buy used and pay cash.

18. You don’t save much by doing your own oil changes. But if you are mechanically inclined, you can save a lot of money by doing your own brake jobs and other routine maintenance and repairs. Check YouTube for video instructions.

19. If your car is out of warranty, find a reputable independent mechanic rather than having all work done at the dealership. Develop a relationship with one mechanic.

20. Cheapest local gas prices: gasbuddy,com.

21. Do you need two cars? How often? Could you get by with one car plus using a Taxi or Uber a few days a month?

22. Don’t want to spend hours tracking a monthly budget? Read my tips about Reverse Budgeting and putting your savings on autopilot.

23. For inspiration, I subscribe to a number of frugality blogs which share ideas, frugal fails, and a chance to read about others’ journey. Media bombards us with a message of consumption, but not everyone buys into the materialism they’re selling. We all need a reminder from time to time that “more stuff” or the “latest and greatest” is neither the source of happiness nor financial independence! Make your goals the top priority for your cash flow.

5 Questions to Ask Your Advisor Before a Recession

It’s a matter of when, and not if, the economy will sink into recession. I’m not saying that because of some dire economic forecast – it is simply the reality of the economic cycle. We have not had a significant market correction since 08-09, and 7 1/2 years is a pretty long stretch historically. Even as a card-carrying optimist, I have to admit that there is always the possibility that our tepid GDP growth could turn negative in 2017 or in the near future. But market volatility could occur for any number of reasons, recession or not.

It’s vitally important that investors communicate with their advisors during the good times to understand what to expect when the market is down. The longer the current bull market runs, the more we forget how painful volatility can be. Make sure you understand the game plan before there’s a downturn. If you haven’t discussed these five questions with your advisor, it’s time for a meeting.

1) “When there is a downturn, will we change our investment allocation?”
We explain to clients that we do not time the market and that we are long-term, buy and hold investors. They nod in agreement, but then when the market goes down by 10%, I sometimes get calls asking if we should go to cash to avoid further losses. The answer is no, we don’t time the market. In fact, we will rebalance in downturns, buying stocks when everyone else is selling. It’s a discipline that works.

We have ample evidence why we think this approach is best one for investors. When we do have a downturn, emotions tend to take over our decision making process, often leading to sub-optimal results. The best time to have the fire drill is before the fire. Plan what you will do in advance. Make sure you do not turn a temporary decline into a permanent loss of capital by having a knee-jerk reaction when the market dips.

2) “How much risk is in my portfolio? How would it have performed in 2008-2009?”
While there’s no guarantee what will happen in the future, clients should at least understand how they are currently positioned. The best time to reallocate is when the market is up. If your current allocation is more aggressive than your risk tolerance, you should be making changes today to a more conservative strategy.

3) “How can we capitalize on the next downturn?”
You make your money in bear markets; you just don’t know it until later. Ask not only about defense but how we can profit from the inevitable cycles in the economy and markets. What would we like to be able to buy on sale? If we view a market downturn as an opportunity rather than a catastrophe, it will change how we respond. In hindsight, 2008-2009 was a remarkable chance to make the buys of a lifetime. The willingness to buy when everyone else wants to sell takes planning and commitment.

4) “Are there any changes that should be made to my portfolio if there could be a recession in 2017?”
If you are in a 70/30 portfolio, what would happen if you went to a 60/40 portfolio today? Many investors get stuck in thinking that investing should be all-in or all-out. Most of the time, fine tuning and making minor adjustments is a better approach. It’s a good time to revisit your 401(k) and other accounts, as well as to rebalance any equity positions which have run up in recent years.

5) “How could investment performance impact our financial goals?”
If you are close to retirement, the impact could be more significant than for someone in their thirties. Would a recession require that you push back your retirement or other goals? Hopefully your advisor is already considering these factors, but anytime you have a shorter time horizon, it pays to be having these conversations regularly.

I hope this doesn’t sound a pessimistic tone. To be clear, I am not predicting a recession. Pullbacks in the market are completely normal and part of the economic cycle. What no one knows is if we are still in the mid-cycle growth phase of this cycle or at the end-cycle plateau. Economists can only determine this in hindsight. We have a plan in place for each client and want to be sure we talk about volatility before it occurs.

Helping HENRY

On Thursday, the CFP Board published the results of a consumer survey they undertook this spring. Based on interviews of 1000 adults over age 25, they identified four groups: Concerned Strivers, Stretched Worriers, Confident Savers, and Tentative Savers. At 27% of the respondents, Concerned Strivers could benefit tremendously from financial planning, but many investment firms are not equipped to help them because they may have little or even zero in investment assets today outside of their 401(k).

“The Concerned Striver has many day-to-day challenges that make it hard for them to save with any regularity,” said CFP Board Consumer Advocate Eleanor Blayney, CFP®. “Concerned Strivers feel like they can deal with the immediate needs of their families, but may neglect saving for their own future. They have good intentions, adequate resources and employer-sponsored retirement plans, yet they feel they are unable to capitalize on these financial strengths.”

We have an acronym for Concerned Strivers: HENRY, High Earners Not Rich Yet. There are so many families and professionals here in Dallas who are in their twenties, thirties, and forties and have incomes of $100,000 to $500,000 and yet have little or no investment assets. Between mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and student debt, they may have a negative net worth with no relief in sight.

While some HENRYs are “not rich yet”, many will be not rich ever, based on their current trajectory. You can change this. If you are are a Concerned Striver, you need the guidance of a Fiduciary – an expert whose legal and sole obligation is to put your needs first – and not someone who gets paid a commission to sell you investments and then give you a “free” plan.

Many people assume that they don’t have enough assets to be a client of Good Life Wealth Management. I am a former educator and it’s in my blood to want to help people get started. I want to make a difference in people’s lives. That’s why we offer two distinct programs.

Our Premier Wealth Management program is for investors with over $250,000 and focuses on holistic financial planning, retirement preparation, and investment management. For our clients with under $250,000 – even $0 – we created our Wealth Builder Program to build a strong financial foundation and put you on the path to your first million.

With our Wealth Builder Program, we will help you accomplish your goals and priorities:

  • Get out of debt: managing loan repayments and cash flow priorities.
  • Invest monthly – however much or little you can afford – to build your wealth.
  • Track your net worth annually to measure your assets and liabilities. Awareness creates behavior to increase assets and reduce liabilities. It’s like knowing you have to step on the bathroom scale Monday morning.
  • Select employee benefits and advise on 401(k) decisions.
  • Term Life Insurance, if you have a spouse or children. (The only life insurance a Concerned Striver needs).
  • College planning for your children that considers all your other financial goals.
  • Bring a “neutral” coach to improve communication about money with your spouse. A financial planner is still cheaper than a divorce!

The Wealth Builder Program is $200 a month, and is cancelable at any time if you are unsatisfied. That’s probably less than your cell phone bill or how much you spend on coffee. Make an investment in your future. Find out more here.

I know that every fifty-year old millionaire was once a thirty-year old facing these very issues and concerns. Some of those thirty-year old professionals will become financially independent if they make smart decisions. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, I can show you what works. But it’s not one-sided. You have to be coachable: eager to participate actively and willing to make changes. If that describes you, we could go a long ways together as a team. What are you waiting for, Henry?

Charitable Giving Rules and Strategies

Is Charitable Giving part of your financial plan? It is part of ours. At Good Life Wealth Management, we donate a minimum of 10% of pre-tax profits annually. We believe that charitable giving is the ultimate expression of financial freedom. Having the ability to help others and make the world a better place, without fear of running out of resources for ourselves, is perhaps the best definition of financial independence. So many people have helped us get to where we are today, it is only right that we look to make a difference through our work, our time, and our financial support.

The IRS rules behind deducting your donations are not well understood by most taxpayers. There are strategies which can make your giving dollars go farther. Even if you have been making charitable gifts for many decades, chances are that you will learn something new in this article.

1) Qualified Charities. If you are wondering whether your donation to a particular organization is tax-deductible, check the IRS database: Exempt Organization Select Check. There are some organizations, such as political parties or candidates, fraternal organizations, chambers of commerce, or lobbying groups, which are not eligible for tax-deductible donations. Donations to individuals are not tax deductible, either.

2) Deduction limits. Charitable donations are part of itemized deductions. If you take the standard deduction, you are not getting any tax benefit from your charitable giving. If this is the case, try alternating years of itemized and standard deductions. Aim to “stuff” all your itemized deductions into one year. For example, you can pay your property taxes in January and then again in December, which puts two years of deductions into one year for tax purposes. Do the same with your charitable giving

There are limits to how much you can deduct, based on on your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). If your donations are more than 20% of your AGI, you need to know these rules:

  • For most charities, you can deduct donations up to 50% of AGI.
  • If you donate Capital Gain Property, the limit is 30%.
  • For certain charities, including private foundations, veterans’ organizations, and non-profit cemeteries, the limit is 30%.
  • Capital Gain Property donated to 30% organizations is limited to 20% of AGI.
  • If you exceed these limits, the good news is that the excess will carry forward for the next five years.

Lastly, your itemized deductions – including charitable donations – may be reduced under the Pease limitations for high income earners.

3) Cash Donations. Cash donations under $250 may be substantiated with a cancelled check or credit card statement. Donations over $250 require an acknowledgement from the organization. Please note that if you receive anything in return for your donation (event tickets, T-shirt, etc.), the value of the goods or services received must be subtracted from the value of the donation. Most tickets to charity events, raffles, or contests are non-deductible.

4) Non-Cash Donations. Non-Cash Donations are an area of scrutiny for the IRS, and the record keeping requirements are more strict. You are limited to the fair market value of goods donated, and generally, not your cost basis in the items donated.

  • Under $250. A receipt from the organization, including a “reasonably detailed description” of the property. You may determine the value, but need to document how you calculated the value.
  • $250-$500. You must have a receipt from the organization, including the value of the items donated.
  • $501-$5,000. In addition to the requirements above, you must document how you acquired the property, when, and your cost basis. If you are donating an item to a charity auction, the receipt from the organization should indicate the amount that the item sold for, which could differ significantly from your opinion of value.
  • Over $5,000. You must also obtain a written appraisal from a qualified, independent appraiser.

5) Appreciated Securities. If you are planning on making larger donations, it may be worthwhile to donate appreciate securities (shares of stock, mutual funds, etc.) rather than making a cash donation. You still get the full value of your donation (and the charity gets the full amount), but you also will avoid paying capital gains tax on those securities. Since the charity is a tax exempt organization, they pay no capital gains when they sell your securities.

For example, consider a donation of $10,000. You could donate cash, or a $10,000 of a fund. Yous cost basis in the fund is $4000, so you would have a gain of $6000. At a 15% capital gains rate, you would avoid $900 in capital gains. If you are in the top bracket, you pay 23.8% for long-term capital gains, so you would save $1,428 in this example.

If you want, you can put the $10,000 cash you were planning to donate into your brokerage account and immediately repurchase your shares. There’s no waiting period or wash sale on donating gains! Now you have made your donation as planned, avoided some capital gains, and still have the same number of shares, but have reset your cost basis higher. Win-win-win.

6) IRA RMD. Last year, Congress made permanent the rules on Qualified Charitable Distributions from your Individual Retirement Account. If you are over age 70 1/2, you can make a distribution directly from your IRA to the charity of your choice, in fulfillment of your Required Minimum Distribution. I wrote in detail about who should use this benefit here: Qualified Charitable Distributions From Your IRA.

7) Donor Advised Fund (DAF). Also called a Charitable Gift Fund, a DAF is a charitable fund that allows you to make a tax deductible donation today, invest those funds, and distribute money to charities of your choice in the future. The DAF is itself a public charity, so your creating and funding an account is tax-deductible. It is also permanent and irrevocable, so plan carefully! Once funded, you can purchase various investments, such as cash, mutual funds, or other securities.

A DAF is great if you have significant windfall in one year – for example, through the sale of a business or real estate – and want to plan ahead for future giving. For example, you could put $100,000 into the fund, and receive a $100,000 deduction this year. You can subsequently make donations for the next 20 or 25 years, if you wanted to. A DAF is often a better solution than setting up a private foundation for family giving. If you have a significant financial event, you may be pushed into the top tax bracket of 43.4%. If that happens, every $1000 you put into a DAF will save you $434 in taxes. If you were ultimately planning to give that money to charity in the future, it would be crazy to not look at keeping more of your money out of the hands of the IRS today.

While the gift to the DAF is irrevocable, you still control the disbursements from the account, so you can decide when, to whom, and how much you give. You may love a charity today, but 10 years from now may find another that you feel is more deserving. This may be preferable to donating a significant amount to one charity in a single year. A DAF is also a great way to involve your children or grandchildren in your family’s philanthropy.

Certainly the purpose of Charitable Giving is not to get a tax-deduction. But if the government is going to give us financial incentives to encourage our donations, we should take advantage of those opportunities. Significant tax savings today means that you will have more money left over to donate in the future. Why pay 15% to 43.4% (or 50%+ in California, New York, and other states) tax on each dollar you donate?

Many people prefer to leave gifts to charity through their will. While this has the advantage of making sure you do not run out of money while you’re alive, you lose the benefit of reducing your income taxes today. If you have more than enough money, it may be preferable to give while you are alive, to enjoy seeing the good your money can do. That will give you better tax benefits, and also avoids problems with your will.

I know of a deceased individual (not a client) who planned to leave several million to charity and “only” $1 million to each child. The children are contesting the will and besides tying up the money for years, attorney’s fees will end up reducing the proceeds by at least $1 million. This tragic situation of a contested will is all too common, but could be avoided with better planning and communication. That’s where professional advice can help.

How can we help you with your charitable planning?

Can You Afford a Second Home?

When asked to describe their idea of living The Good Life, many investors tell me that they have a special place – a lake, mountain, beach, or city – that is near and dear to their heart. Their dream is to have a get away, not at retirement, but now to spend with their families and build the memories that will last a lifetime. If you find yourself constantly dreaming about that perfect Florida beach or the stillness of a snow-capped Colorado peak, it won’t be long before you find yourself Googling home prices in your favorite vacation town and thinking about the possibilities.

Having a second home is a wonderful thing, when done properly. It can also be stressful, time-consuming, and an enormous financial drain which can impact your financial stability and even your solvency. When the financial crisis hit, buyers of vacation properties disappeared, leaving cash-strapped owners in a tragic process of liquidating properties at enormous losses.

Today, prices have recovered and in many areas are back to fresh highs. Not only have bargains largely disappeared, prices have been driven up in popular locations by foreign investors who want to get money out of their own country and into the stability of US dollars. For many international investors, it is easier to buy US real estate than it would be to open a brokerage account in the US.

If you are contemplating buying a second home, be smart and make sure your decisions are based on a thorough and comprehensive examination of the financial details involved. For our financial planning process, that would mean adding in the realistic costs of a second home into our software and examining the results. Would the drain of a second home crowd out other cash flow goals such as retirement? Would you have to delay retirement by several years to keep your retirement success above 80 or 90 percent?

I own a second home, and have spoken with dozens of clients about their experiences over the years. Here’s my advice if you’re thinking of taking the plunge:

1) A second home is not an investment. It’s great if your Uncle made millions off the property he bought in Beaver Creek in 1976, but this is 2016. Very few people make money off their vacation properties, and even fewer actually consider their total costs of interest, taxes, insurance, upkeep, and utilities, when making a profit calculation. In other words, buying a condo for $400,000 and selling it for $450,000 five years later means you probably lost money. A 6% real estate commission would immediately reduce your proceeds from $450,000 to $423,000. Take out your other costs and you almost certainly have a negative return, even if you have a capital gain for tax purposes.

When we want something, our mind will go to great lengths to rationalize why it is a good idea. I once had a client bring me a spreadsheet showing the value of a condo in Hawaii increasing by 9% a year for the next 40 years. Why? Because he said it was a fact that condos in Hawaii increase by 9% every year.

I’m not saying a second home is a bad idea, but it’s best to not start with rose-colored glasses thinking that it will be a killer investment. Instead, examine the costs of a second home and calculate if you can afford this expense as part of your lifestyle. If, after many years of enjoyment, you were to turn an actual profit, consider yourself fortunate to have had such good luck.

2) If you are only going to be there two weeks a year, you will probably be better off staying at a hotel or rental rather than buying a property. This is not only likely to be the less expensive route, it also frees you from the mental and emotional drain of having a second home. Besides paying more bills, you have the difficulty and hassle of maintaining a property that is hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Don’t worry, there are management companies to look after your property, right? Yes, for a cost. Thinking that you can effortlessly rent out your vacation property when you are not there and it will pay for itself? While you may be able to offset your management fees and some other expenses, I have yet to meet anyone who actually pays their whole mortgage through renting. Instead, many drop out of the rental process altogether, citing time, added stress, damages, and wear and tear on their property, with minimal rent to show for it.

You should budget 1-2% of the purchase price per year to spend on repairs and maintenance. Some years you will spend less, but in other years, you may need to replace a roof, furnace, or other major item. Is your emergency fund big enough to cover two homes? There will be days when having two homes feels like you are trying to prove Murphy’s Law – if something can go wrong, it will!

If you want to save yourself the headache of getting that 11 pm call in December that the hot water heater is out, don’t be an absentee owner. Just take vacations. If after five years at the same beach, you decide you’d rather go to Europe next summer, you can change your plans and not feel like you are obligated to go to your second home year after year. In fact, behavioral finance suggests that you may have more memories and find more fulfillment from taking 10 different vacations rather than going to the same place for 10 summers in a row.

3) On taxes and finances, a few points to consider:

  • You can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on a second home. These are itemized deductions.
  • Only your primary residence is eligible for a capital gains exclusion of $250,000 ($500,000 if married). For a second home, keep records of any capital improvements which would increase your cost basis. If you have a very large potential capital gain, you can receive the primary residence capital gains exclusion by making the property your primary residence for two years. As long as a property was your primary residence for two of the past five years, you are eligible. Keep capital gains records until seven years after the sale.
  • You can rent out a primary or second home for 14 days a year tax-free. You don’t even have to report this income!
  • If you use the property personally for more than 14 days or more than 10% of the total rental days per year, it is considered a personal residence and you can only deduct rental expenses up to the amount of rental income.
  • If your personal use of the property is less than 14 days AND less than 10% of the total rental days, the property is considered a rental property (a business), and not a second home. You can deduct losses and may depreciate the property. Note that days you spend full-time on repairs and maintenance (but not improvements) are not considered personal use days, even if the rest of your family is enjoying recreation that day.
  • If you let others stay for free, or below fair rental price, or give away days (even to a charity auction), those are considered personal use days.
  • Before you rent, make sure your insurance covers renting. Talk with owners of similar properties if you want a realistic idea of how many days of your property might be rented each season. Do your homework before you buy.
  • In Texas, primary residences are creditor protected, 1 acre in town or 100 acres rural, with no limit on value. These are doubled for married couples. Second homes are not creditor protected. Which mortgage should you pay off first? Probably your primary residence.

Link: IRS Publication 527, Residential Rental Property Including Rental of Vacation Homes.

If all this makes your head hurt, you may be happier keeping your life simple and just enjoying your vacations without owning a second home. You cannot ask your accountant to sort this all out at the end of the year if you haven’t kept complete records of use/rental days and expenses.

4) When it comes to affordability, don’t let a mortgage broker tell you how much you can afford. They calculate the maximum the bank is willing to lend you; they don’t care about your other priorities like contributing to your 401(k) or paying for your kid’s college. If you want to know what you can afford and still accomplish your other goals, you need to do a financial plan. That’s where I can help.

5) Not surprisingly, the vast majority of people I have met who purchased a timeshare have been frustrated and regretted the decision. Similarly, friends who purchase property together often find things become less than cordial when disagreements arise over use, expenses, or maintenance.

Link: HGTV Top 10 Things to Know About Buying a Second Home

Don’t Forget Your Umbrella!

For successful individuals, an Umbrella Policy is a smart idea and a cost-effective tool to protect your life savings from a liability suit. An Umbrella policy covers you if you exceed the liability coverage limits on your home and auto insurance. For around $200 to $300 a year, you could be covered for another $1 million, and have the option to increase this up to $5 million.

The liability limits on home and auto policies are typically much too low to insulate you from the potential costs you could face today. While the state may only require $50,000 in auto liability, this is not going to cover the cost of hitting a fancy car or worse, if you were to injure or kill people on the road. If the injured person has costs greater than your liability coverage, their next step: sue you. Even if they don’t do it, their insurance company will to recover their damages.

Your first and best line of defense is an Umbrella Policy. If a claim (or lawsuit) were to exceed your liability limits, the umbrella coverage will kick in so that you would not have to pay out of pocket or have a judgement that could take years to pay.

Your liability for vehicle damage would be limited to the value of another vehicle. I recently saw a Porsche 918 on the road, which has a base price of $847,000. There are tons of very expensive cars on the road in Dallas. But vehicle damage is easily quantifiable. What is scarier is injury liability. Besides the fact that hospitalization and surgery can costs tens of thousands of dollars, you could also be held liable for physical therapy, loss of income, and intangibles such as reduction in quality of life or pain and suffering. Is that something you would want to leave in the hands of a sympathetic Jury?

Even if you increase the liability limits on your home and auto policies to the maximum, that may still only be $250,000, $300,000, or $500,000. Attorneys and insurance companies have decades of research and experience in determining who would be worth their time suing. So even though your net worth is not public knowledge, if you have wealth, you are a likely candidate.

I’ve primarily described auto accidents, but you could also be held liable for a visitor who was injured in your pool or hurt anywhere on your property, even if uninvited. An umbrella policy could also cover liability if you have a motorcycle, RV, ATV, or boat. It can protect you from liability for libel, slander or defamation. Umbrella policies cover the same individuals as your home and auto, which is typically your whole household. And it covers them anywhere they go, even if on vacation, or in a rental car.

What does an umbrella policy not cover? It does not cover your personal property, contract disputes, business activities, or intentional / criminal activities. Be very careful about saying you are driving for business, because this could negate coverage under your personal and umbrella policies. These policies cover commuting – driving to your place of work, which is not the same as business travel. This is especially vital if you are self-employed. If you use your home for a business, such as a day care, that would not be covered by an umbrella policy.

We spend years planning and carefully growing your nest egg, all of which could be destroyed in a moment because someone got hurt in your house, or because your teenager was distracted for a moment while driving. It’s not worth risking everything when an umbrella policy only costs a few hundred dollars a year.

To get an umbrella policy, you typically will need to have your home and auto policies with the same insurer and have your liability limits at the highest levels. If this makes your insurance too expensive, consider increasing your deductible, especially if it is just $250 or $500. Instead aim for $1000. When you buy an umbrella policy, this may also be a good time to shop your policies to multiple carriers, as you will likely coordinate your home, auto, and umbrella policies with one company.

This information is for educational purposes only and not a guarantee of benefits. Always read your policy fully to understand your coverage and all exclusions.

Is Your Car Eligible for a $7,500 Tax Credit?

If you are in the market for a new vehicle, you may want to know about a tax credit available for the purchase an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle. Worth up to $7,500, the credit is not a tax deduction from your income, but a dollar for dollar reduction in your federal income tax liability. In other words, if your tax bill was $19,000 and you have a $7,500 credit, you will pay only $11,500 and get the rest back.

This credit has been available since 2010, but in the last two years a significant number of new car models have become eligible for the tax credit. If you drive a lot of miles, these cars may be worth a look.

The credit includes 100% electric vehicles like the Tesla Model S or the Nissan Leaf, and it applies to the newer plug-in hybrid models, including the BMW i3, Chevrolet Volt, Ford C-Max Energi, Hyundai Sonata Plug-In Hybrid, and others. The credit does not apply to all hybrid vehicles, only those with plug-in technology. While the plug-in cars may be more expensive than regular hybrids, they are often less expensive once you factor in the tax credit.

The amount of the credit varies depending on the battery in the car, and may be less than $7,500. The credit is phased out for each manufacturer after they hit 200,000 eligible vehicles sold, with the credit falling to 50% and then to 25%. So, for those 400,000 people who put down a deposit on the Tesla Model 3, most will not be getting the full $7,500 tax credit. Only purchases of new vehicles – not used – are eligible for the credit.

The program is under Internal Revenue Code 30D; you can find full information on the IRS website here. An easier-to-read primer on the program is available at www.fueleconomy.gov.

Some states also offer tax credits or vouchers for the purchase of a plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle. Unfortunately, Texas is not one of those states! You can search for your state’s programs on the US Department of Energy website, the Alternative Fuels Data Center.

Do you have a plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle? Send me a note and tell me how you like it.